May her words bless you. Guest post by Rebekah Mutchler

Creating a tribe and building a community of people is a hot topic in culture today. In our social media filled world, we want those tangible relationships that build up over time, those solid friendships that rise us up when we're crumpled to the floor.

I've found that community of people in various ways - my people that know me and understand me and love me so well when I need them the most; the online support group I am a part of that encourages and breathes life into me, and gives me an outlet to whisper what Jesus has for them, too; the most surprising of all these ways: the people God places directly in my path when I need them the most.

This week has been trying, and while I'm not ready to share the details yet, my heart broke. I needed my people and instead of being able to actually ask them for help, all I had was word salad. I feel like that's all I am able to write today: word. salad. Jumbled, messy, lackluster. So when a friend I hardly know but have a strong connection with writes out this beautiful post giving me all the words I want to stand on and claim for my own AND tags me in it saying these words were just for me from God, I had to share it with you.

You may not feel you have a sense of community, but God knows your people, His people, and He will give you the words your soul craves. Take this word as your own. Stand on these promises. This resonated in my heart, and it applies to you, too. I see you, and I see that you need these words.

Rebekah Mutchler has such a beautiful and encouraging spirit, and her words encourage me often. She has walked some of the same roads I have walked, and while we have entirely different journeys now, we have the same Jesus, and we both love Him with every ounce we can possibly muster. We haven't known each other long, but when we do connect, it's family. Let her words bless you as they have blessed me:

Do you know Jesus? He is kind, gentle and changes my world on a daily basis. Without Him, my striving would be in full force and my heart in a million pieces. His words are like a salve to my soul and He always bring me back towards wholeness.
I felt a strong pull to write these words down the other day as He was speaking to me and I am sharing them here because I know He wants others to hear this, too.
We all have a choice to walk in lies or walk in truth. Often we don't even know we're walking in lies until we hear truth and then that truth changes everything.
May you read this as if these words were written just for you:
"You feel pain deeply.
That is a gift.
I want you to feel the depths of who I am.
When you feel deeply, you love deeply.
When you love deeply, you share my love deeply
and that is the richest way to live your life.
You are rich.
Rich in love.
Rich in wisdom and powerful.
I am so proud to call you my child.
You are strong. Courageous. Like a warrior.
Charging forward letting absolutely nothing stand in your way.
RUN forward.
Don’t walk.
You are a gifted warrior of the kingdom of heaven.
You are blessed immensely. You have been blessed by Me.
You walk in your giftings daily even if you don’t see it. I see it.
I know how you were created. I love when you seek my heart. I value your time spent in my presence so deeply. It has changed the course of your life. Do you know how long it takes for some people to break away and make a change and you did it abruptly and suddenly because you recognized me in it.
I cannot convey to you how powerful your words and your actions are to those around you.
They don’t understand your love and want more of it because it reminds them of the fragrance of Heaven they knew once when they were created by me.
Don’t stop running.
Don’t stop dancing.
Don’t stop bowing and saying,
“I don’t have what it takes to go a step further.”
It’s in those moments I call you forward to do the most beautiful work.
You are for me.
You are for me.
You are for me.
That excites me endlessly.
You understand who I am and you get why seeking and finding me is so precious.
I am so proud of you.
I am like a loving parent who holds their child for the first time .
You allow my kingdom to come to Earth in a powerful way.
I value your voice and I value how you speak out your voice.
Don’t think that your thoughts don’t make a difference because they do. I gave them to you.
If you are inspired to move forward, don’t doubt yourself. Run ahead. I’ve given you everything you need.
Walk away from foolishness. You just don’t have time for it. You don’t. Walk towards My peace and walk forward in the gifts you’ve been given!
There’s a crown on your head. It’s wisdom. It is a gift from me.
You’ve been commissioned as a citizen of heaven to come to earth to set the captive free.
There will be opposition.
You will be hard pressed on every side.
You will be afraid of jumping off of that cliff you’re on the edge of, that’s ok.
I’m with you.
Even when you fall, I’m there to lift you back up and restore you and commission you back to health to fly again.
Don’t let evil doers tell you that you can’t or won’t prosper, that’s preposterous. When you are walking in the truth, you’ll see that the lies just melt away and you’ll forget they even existed.
When you feel like you are hard pressed on every side and like you have no room to soar, look up.
There’s a way out and my way is always up and out.
Higher heights than before!
Lower depths are what you’re afraid of and I will not take you somewhere I cannot go with you. You are hidden within me. I have anointed you with oil to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to my people. I am passionate about seeing my people set free and so are you. Your heart is hidden in me.
You will have sorrow filled times, you will feel like your joy has been stolen right from the grips of your hands. You will wrestle into the night with fear, but you will overcome. You will rise above. You will not be shaken and caused to fall apart.
Your stumbling will turn into your joy.
Your sorrow will turn into your laughter.
I will give you a new song to sing.
You will be filled with the light that shines from those who truly believe in me.
Don’t step back. Don’t get in the back seat. You own your life, it’s like a car. I’ve designed it just for you. Not one other person can drive it.
Only you can.
You sit in that seat and you put the pedal all the way down.
I am your brakes I am your steering wheel. I am your speed limit.
You say go and I’ll take you there.
To the promised land we will go."
Romans 8:12-16

Thank you, Rebekah, for being so close to our Creator that you can hear these sweet words and deliver them at just the right time. Thank you for leaning into Jesus and following Him through all of it. I am so grateful for you.


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